ExpertsExchange Greasemonkey Script

This is an edit of the following script:

It removes all the junk, adverts and sign up links from experts exchange and gives you just the question and the solution.

I modified it to remove some more junk such as the Related Solutions box, and there will now be a link directly under the question for you to jump straight to the accepted solution.

The script uses jQuery.

// ==UserScript==
// @name           Clean Up ExpertsExchange
// @namespace   All
// @include*
// @include*
// ==/UserScript==

// Add jQuery
    var GM_JQ = document.createElement('script');
    GM_JQ.src = '';
    GM_JQ.type = 'text/javascript';

// Check if jQuery's loaded
    function GM_wait() {
        if(typeof unsafeWindow.jQuery == 'undefined') { window.setTimeout(GM_wait,100); }
        else { $ = unsafeWindow.jQuery; letsJQuery(); }

// All your GM code must be inside this function
    function letsJQuery() {
        $(".blurredAnswer, .relatedSolutions, .allZonesMain, .qStats, .lightImage, .ontopBanner, .adSense, .startFreeTrial, div#pageRight, #relatedSolutions20X6").remove();


Skip To The Accepted Solution >>

'); $(".acceptedHeader").before(''); }

Snowboarding in Les Arcs

I’m off this evening… well 4am Sunday morning actually, to Gatwick and then on to Grenoble!

I’ll be away Snowboarding until next Sunday so there will probably be a lack of bloggage, unless of course there’s wifi in the chalet, and then I’ll try and upload some photos from my phone (although that never seems to work).

Hopefully, I won’t break anything that I require to do my new job (which is going well by the way). But maybe I’ll improve on my boarding skills which are somewhat limited as I’ve only really been once … well ok I did a whole season in New Zealand but I’m still not that great.

Anywho, I’ll be back in a week.

Glype Proxy – Content Filtering

So again with the Glype Proxy, I needed to filter some content on all pages, so I had to write a little mod, it’s quick simple, and unreliable so yay!

To begin, Open up /includes/parser.php … and insert the following code (I put it around line 48):

// Dayjo - Filter Modification	  
// Open the filters file and filter all of the results. $filename = "filters.txt"; $fp = @fopen($filename, 'r'); if ($fp) { $array = explode("\n", fread($fp, filesize($filename))); foreach($array as $key => $val){ list($before,$after) = split("~",$val); $input = preg_replace($before,$after,$input); } }

Then, in the main Glype directory (/), create a text file called “filters.txt“.

Now, in this file you can provide text filters using regular expressions, separating with the tilde symbol ( ~ ), for instance, if you wanted to filter out swear words you would put the following into the file:



Somebody wished to modify page titles, so to do that you will need to something like:


Which would add ” – PROXIFIED BY DAYJO” to the original title. (Remove the $1 to get rid of the original title).

This modification could be used for a variety of reasons, removing images or ads, replacing content with your own, or making pages look funny by replacing the with teh… whatever takes your fancy.