Glype Proxy Theme – Clouds

I decided to design a little theme for Glype Proxy (

As far as I can tell, it is fully compatible with;

  • Firefox 3.0.6
  • Google Chrome
  • Opera 9.63
  • Safari(PC) 3.2.1

So yes, that leaves out Internet Explorer. I may adjust it to be IE compatible, but for now, you’ll just have to use a better browser.


Download Now ( 70kb)

Anti Snore Shirt

Amazingly I discovered the Anti Snore Shirt which actually stops snoring and can cure sleep apnea.

It was recently featured on Dragons Den and the Rachel Rae show and offers a 100% money back guarantee.

The t-shirt is a simple but genius invention – it has 3-4 foam rolls on the back of it which deter the wearer from sleeping on their back.

The anti snore shirt has extensive medical support and is recommended by sleep doctors and dentists to help stop snoring, based on positional therapy.

There are several designs for men and women including a bumper pack – with either an iron-on patch or strap around.

There are 2 anti snore shirts designed for women. One for regular snorers, the other was designed specifically for pregnant women, to make it easier for them to sleep on their sides during the 2nd half of pregnancy.

From only $37/�20 you too can enjoy a quiet and peaceful night sleep, stop snoring and feel as good as your deserve to by having a full night sleep.

Below is a direct link to the website which should answer all your questions on sleep apnea, snoring and the anti snore shirt. The website allows you to place an order for delivery anywhere in the world! Delivery to the UK has just lowered to $11.

The t-shirt makes a great gift and if nothing else it’s a guaranteed laugh.

For a 10% Discount Code, please visit or, to just buy it straight from the manufacturer go to

Spain – Girona

We arrived an hour late into Girona airport because it was too dangerous to land. When we eventually did land after circling for an hour the weather definitely wasn’t what we expected.

Snow, and lots of it! It was a dramatic landing to say the least but the pilot got a well earned round of applause from the Spanish occupants of the plane.

We did fairly well finding a bus into town, walking half way in the wrong direction to our hotel and asking an Internet cafe owner (who didn’t speak a word of English) both for a map and for directions, ‘fairly’ being the operative word seeing as neither of us speak a word of espanol!

We walked for about half an hour in the snow trying to find our hotel and eventually found it after walking through some beautiful Spanish lanes, and past a large Palestinian protest (a protest to free Palestine, not a protest against Palestinians).

It was a lovely little guest house run by a very friendly old lady who didn’t speak a word of English but managed to understand our pig Spanish very well. For 42 euros, it was very reasonable. Warm and comfortable were the highest priority and so we were happy!

Today, we are walking around Girona and are just sat in a lovely cafe outside the HUGE cathedral.

I’ll upload photos soon, it’s a beautiful place so I’m sure we’ll have lots to show!

Off to Barcelona later today (if joie can find us a train).

Not the happiest holiday I’ve ever had (for those of you that don’t know, my friend from school/college died the other night of lymphoma), but I think it’s important for us to try and enjoy ourselves, so we’re doing our best!

Speak to you all soon!


It appears that the photos I uploaded with my phone didn’t upload so I will sort this when I get back!


I have just discovered the wordpress iPhone application, which certainly helps the fact that I currently do not have internet at home (one of the most frustrating things in the world).

I’ve been sat in a cafe since 10am this morning, trying to use their Internet, however it’s about as reliable as the Internet that we don’t have in our house.

Thank god I bought an iPhone. It’s been nothing but a blessing (apart from when it hasn’t, which quite possibly could have just been entirely my fault).

There’s pretty good 3g signal here in Brighton so I do get emails, and can check facebook (why I would though I have no clue), so it’s not all bad! The only thing really that annoys me is trying to run a web-based business without the Internet, although I must say I’m doing pretty well considering!

There’s a few things that the iPhone is missing in my oppinion;

File handling – a simple way to manage any kind of file, to transfer to and from computers/email etc is the only real reason I need to come to a cafe and use my laptop.

Google Doc Support – which I blame entirely on google. No doubt this won’t be an issue for long, but I really would like to be able to write docs and spreadsheets!

Flash Support – speaks for itself. As a web designer, this really sucks!

I have much to do and not much time, so i’ll get on, and hopefully blog a little more now I can do so from my new best friend.

Thanks apple.